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EirEco staff has comprehensive experience indelivering input to allprocesses involved in thepreparation, submission, requirements, regulations and appealing of environmental projects and planning applications. As a result we believe it our obligation to be informed of all new regulations and keep in touch with local and national authorities.
We advise on all significant environmental issues and statutory requirements and will be delighted to prepare, submit and support your Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) or Appropriate Assessment (AA).
Please click on any of the links outlined on the left for more detailed descriptions of our Planning Phase Services.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process involving inputs from multiple experts in their field and designed to identify, characterise and quantify the likely effects of a proposed development on the environment. The formal output from the EIA process is a document called an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), which outlines the possible impacts of the proposed development and identify the mitigation measures which will be taken to limit any potential negative effects on the environment.
EirEco has many years of experience in the areas of both EIA and EIS and has built close working relationships with specialists in all areas required for Impact Analysis. As a result we offer input and coordination of the following services falling in this category:
- Ecological and environmental screening and scoping
- Private, public and statutory consultation
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) management and coordination of Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
- Impact assessment / Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA)
- Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA)
- Mitigation design and implementation
- Post-development monitoring and surveillance
Examples of relevant experience…
Project: Tullabrack Windfarm Development EIA (2008-9)
Client: Jennings O’Donovan Consulting Engineers
Full ecological assessment as part of EIA for proposed Windfarm at Tullabrack, Co. Clare including breeding and wintering bird surveys.
Project: Crossmore Windfarm Development EIA (2009)
Client: eirENERGY
Full ecological assessment as part of EIA for proposed Windfarm at Crossmore, Co. Clare including electro-fisheries surveys.
Project: River Shannon Crossing and Killaloe Bypass EIA (2008-9)
Client: Roughan O’Donovan Consulting Engineers
Aquatic ecological assessment as part of EIA for proposed Killaloe – Ballina bridge over the River Shannon cSAC.
Project: M7 Osberstown Interchange (2008)
Client: Arup Consulting Engineers
Ecological elements of EIS for development of Osberstown Interchange on the N7 at Naas.
Useful links for Environmental Impact Assessment:
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Guidelines on Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)
National Roads Authority (NRA): Environmental Impact Assessment of National Road Schemes - A Practical Guide
Please don’t hesitate to email us for queries and support regarding the above guidelines or to request more details on the EirEco service offering in this area.
Appropriate Assessment (AA)
Appropriate Assessment (AA) is a requirement of Articles 6(3) and 6(4) of the EU Habitats Directive. Guidelines on AA were launched by the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government (DoEHLG) in December 2009. In summary the EU Habitats Directive requires an ‘Appropriate Assessment’ to be carried out where a plan or project is likely to have a significant impact on a Natura 2000 site, which according to the NPWS some 12% of the land area of the Republic of Ireland has been designated under. These are sites nominated as Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs) under the Habitats and Birds Directives.
EirEco recommends seeking advice early to establish whether AA will apply or not. Where sites are close to a SAC or SPA, assume that an AA will be required.
EirEco has extensive experience in carrying out Appropriate Assessments in freshwater, terrestrial and marine environments for statutory bodies and private enterprises.
Examples of relevant experience…
Project: Monkstown Bay Marina (2008-10)
Client: Cronin Millar Consulting Engineers
Preparation of Appropriate Assessment for marina development at Monkstown, Co. Cork (within Inner Cork Harbour Special Protection Area).
Project: Tullabrack Windfarm Development EIA (2008-9)
Client: Jennings O’Donovan Consulting Engineers
Preparation of Appropriate Assessment for proposed Windfarm at Tullabrack, Co. Clare.
Useful links for Appropriate Assessment:
National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS):Appropriate Assessment Guidelines
EU Commission: European Appropriate Assessment Guidelines
Please don’t hesitate to email us for queries and support regarding the above guidelines or to request more details on the EirEco service offering in this area.
Oral Hearing and Public Enquires
Investing in consultation during the early planning stages often avoids lengthy and costly delays due to controversial objections and appeals. As a project or plan can only be appealed to An Bord Pleanála within the statutory timeframe (i.e. within 4 weeks of initial decision), long-term relationships with expert consultants commencing prior to planning applications should be considered. Appeals must clearly state the full grounds and reasons of appeal and may be supported within additional documentation and other material, such as specialist reports and photographs.
Paul Murphy has defended numerous development schemes at Oral Hearings and Public Enquiries, and has experience in dealing with public consultation on sensitive developments. He has an in depth knowledge of European and National legislation and planning policy at all levels.
For Oral Hearing, Public Enquiries and Appeals EirEco can provide technical advice, prepare formal briefs of evidence and defend clients in their case.
Please don’t hesitate to email us for queries or to request more details on the EirEco service offering in this area.
Contact Us
EirEco Environmental Consultants
+353 (0) 65 708 9080
Mobile (Cell):
+353 (0) 86 827 7595