Faunal Surveys

In addition to the Ecological Services in the terrestrial environment including Habitat Mapping and Botanical Surveys, EirEco also offers a wide variety of Faunal surveys covering protected species of both Mammal and Bird. Surveys can be undertaken to establish baseline populations at a site, to evaluate the ecological communities present, or to monitor during the construction and operation of a project.


EirEco has the ecological expertise combined with a far-reaching history of experience in this field to undertake a wide variety of faunal surveys. We have carried out assessments on behalf of both the public and the private sector for a wide variety of industries including Wind Energy, Road Schemes, Residential Developments, Water Supply, Retail, Quarrying and Commercial Development. All of our professional survey services are executed to the appropriate internationally recognized standards and in accordance with scientifically valid methodologies specific to the target species.

Please click on any of the links outlined on the left for more detailed descriptions of our Faunal Survey Services.

Mammal Surveys

The Wildlife Act (1976) and the Wildlife (Amendment) Act (2000) are the principal statutory provisions for the protection of Wildlife (both Flora and Fauna) and the control of activities which may impact adversely on the conservation of Wildlife in Ireland. Certain mammal species however require further protection and are listed on Annex II of the EU Habitats Directive (1992). A further amendment to the Wildlife Act is due in the second half of 2010.

Seal Pup

EirEco offers expert advice and professional services in the area of mammal surveys for species of conservation importance in Ireland. We advise on the protection status, appropriate survey methodologies, procurement of derogation licences and mitigation measures required for protected species. Planning authorities are required to take account of the presence of protected species, including bats, badgers, otters, pine marten, red squirrels and for marine development the protected sea mammals when considering applications for planning permission. EirEco will be delighted to assist and advise you on all matters related to Mammal Surveys as part of our overall ecological services.
Large Mammal Surveys can be designed to determine simply presence / absence, or to define and map territories and commuting routes. We also provide specific mitigation design including underpass and fencing design, artificial sett and holt construction, exclusion under licence, etc.

    Bat Survey services include night-time bat activity surveys, Commuting or Feeding Route Surveys, and Building and structural surveys.
Marine Mammals surveys and monitoring for cetaceans and seals in Irish waters are provided in accordance with the National Parks and Wildlife Service Protocol.

Examples of relevant experience…

Project: N17 Tuam to Claremorris (2009/2010)
Client: J.B.Barry & Partners
EIA of N17 Tuam to Claremorris including full mammal survey.

Sea Otter

Project: Conemara 110Kv Powerline (2009)
Client: ESBI
Survey of proposed river crossings for otter activity and holt locations.

Project: Aillwee Cave Lesser Horseshoe Bat Monitoring (2008/2009)
Client: Aillwee Cave Co.
Monitoring of the lesser horseshoe bat population utilising the Aillwee Caves as a winter hibernation site over the winters of 2008 and 2009.

Project: Killaloe Bypass (2009)
Client: ROD / Clare County Council
EIA of Killaloe Bypass including full mammal survey.

Related links:

National Parks and Wildlife Service: Legislation including Wildlife Act 1976Bats

National Roads Authority: Ecological survey techniques for protected flora and fauna

UCD School of Biology and Environmental Science: Irish Mammal Survey

The Heritage Council: Bat Survey Guidelines for Traditional Farm Buildings NRA guidance

Please don’t hesitate to email us for queries and support regarding the above guidelines or to request more details on the EirEco service offering in this area.

Bird Surveys

The Birds Directive (on the Conservation of Wild Birds,1979) was the EU’s first piece of nature legislation creating a comprehensive scheme of protection for all wild bird species naturally occurring in the Union. The directive recognises that habitat loss and degradation are the most serious threats to the conservation of wild birds. It therefore places great emphasis on the protection of habitats for endangered as well as migratory species (listed in Annex I), especially through the establishment of a coherent network of Special Protection Areas (SPAs) comprising all the most suitable territories for these species. Since 1994 all SPAs form an integral part of the NATURA 2000 ecological network.


EirEco has many years of experience in the areas of both EIA and EIS and has built close working relationships with specialists in all areas required for impace Analysis. As a result we offer input and coordination of the following services falling in this category:

  • Ecological and environmental screening and scoping
  • Private, public and statutory consultation
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) management and coordination of Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
  • Impact assessment / Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA)
  • Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA)
  • Mitigation design and implementation
  • Post-development monitoring and surveillance

Our Bird Surveys are undertaken by expert ecologists with recognised ornithological experience and expertise in this field. All surveys are undertaken in compliance with standard survey methodologies and are strictly in line with Irish and EU law

Examples of relevant experience…

Project: Tullabrack Windfarm Development (2008-10)
Client: Jennings O’Donovan Consulting Engineers
Full ecological assessment as part of EIA for proposed Windfarm at Tullabrack, Co. Clare including Breeding Hen Harrier Survey , Winter Bird Survey ,Mapping of foraging and roosting areas for Whooper swan and Greenland white-fronted geese and determining connecting flight paths.

Project: Monkstown Bay Marina (2008-10)
Client: Cronin Millar Consulting Engineers
Series of waterfowl counts in Cork Harbour SPA over the winter period 2008-2009 to determine utilisation of study area by wintering waterfowl.

Project: Crossmore Windfarm (2008)
Client: EirENERGY Ltd.
Full EIA for proposed Crossmore Windfarm including Breeding Bird Survey.

Project: Illaunamanagh Crematorium (2008)
Client: Illaunamanagh Ltd.
Series of waterfowl counts in Shannon Estuary SPA over the winter period 2007-2008 to determine utilisation of study area by wintering waterfowl.

Related links:

The Heritage Council: Bird Survey Guidelines

Scottish National Heritage: Guidance for survey methods for assessing impacts on onshore windfarms on bird communities

The European Commission: Birds Directive

Birdwatch Ireland: Homepage

Please don’t hesitate to email us for queries regarding the above or to request more details on the EirEco service offering in this area.

Contact Us

EirEco Environmental Consultants

+353 (0) 65 708 9080

Mobile (Cell):
+353 (0) 86 827 7595

Click to email us